Facts about Insurance Fraud

Individuals and organizations can both be charged with insurance Fraud. Individuals and businesses can commit insurance fraud in the process of making a claim or completing an application for personal or business insurance, Insurance agents and brokers can be charged with fraud in the course of selling insurance, and applicants for an insurance license can […]
I received deferred adjudication, that means my criminal history is clean, right?

The short answer is an emphatic no! Deferred adjudication does not mean off your record. A common question we get in our office is in regard to deferred adjudication. People often ask why the record of a completed deferred adjudication is showing up on their criminal history. Since the client completed their deferred adjudication, then […]
Am I entitled to a bond on a motion to adjudicate?

With the recent changes to bail law in Texas from Senate Bill 6, questions about bail bonds in Texas are front and center. Senate Bill 6 eliminated personal bonds for 21 enumerated offenses in Texas, as well as certain circumstances in which a person is charged for an offense while they already have pending charges. […]
Can I refuse a breath or blood test?

Yes, you can refuse a breath or blood test, and you absolutely should. If a law enforcement officer pulls you over in a traffic stop, they may request to subject you to a blood or breath test. The purpose of such tests is to measure your blood alcohol content to determine if you are driving […]